SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
SE UnpublishObject
extern SE_Return_Code
SE_Object  object,1
const SE_String  *label2


Given the resolved DRM object specified by object, this function removes the DRM object from being published under the label specified by label. The DRM object shall have already been published under the label for this function to complete successfuly.

Unpublishing DRM objects may result in a need to change the transmittal name portion of the URN assigned to a transmittal. Using the same transmittal name guarantees that all labels ever published will remain available in future versions of the transmittal. Removing a label using this function will require a transmittal name change if another DRM object is not published under the same label before the transmittal is made publicly available or released.

The transmittal whose DRM object is to be edited shall be explicitly opened in either SE_AM_CREATE or SE_AM_UPDATE mode for this operation to succeed.


SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS and the object is unpublished.
SE_RETCOD_FAILURE and the status code is set appropriately if the call failed.

Status Codes

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS is returned:

SE_STATCODE_SUCCESS set if valid parameters were passed in and all operations succeeded.

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_FAILURE is returned:

SE_STATCODE_UNRESOLVED_INPUT_OBJECT set if object is unresolved.
SE_STATCODE_UNPUBLISHED_OBJECT set if object was not published under the specified label.
SE_STATCODE_INVALID_ACCESS_MODE set if object belongs to a transmittal opened in SE_AM_READ_ONLY mode.
  1. object is not a valid handle to a DRM object;
  2. label is invalid; or
  3. the function fails for any other reason.

Parameters Notes

1 handle to the object to be unpublished; must be resolved.

2 an SE_String containing the label under which the object was previously published.

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