SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
SE ResolveTransmittalName
extern SE_Return_Code
const SE_URN  *transmittal_name,1
SE_Store  store,2
SE_URL  *location3


Given an character string representing a formal transmittal name, returns the file location associated with this name. This function invokes the SEDRIS namespace resolver as described in the SEDRIS documentation set.

The format of a valid SEDRIS name is as follows:

urn:sedris:<delegated_creation_authority>:<assigned_transmittal_name> [:<transmittal_version_serial>]

NOTE: in the format shown above there must be no white space or carriage control characters within or between the sub-fields.

The format as described here is for cursory information only. Please consult the SEDRIS documentation set for a complete and formal description of the SEDRIS namespace and resolution process.

The first 11 characters are required fields that represent a sentinel for the SEDRIS namespace. These fields must be present for the name string to be considered valid.

The <delegated_creation_authority> is the string representing the portion of the SEDRIS namespace that has been delegated by the SEDRIS namespace registrar to the group, organization, or body that has authority for the assignment of transmittal named within the delegated namespace. This string may represent a sub-delegation by the registered authority to another group, organization or body.

The <assigned_transmittal_name> is the string representing a specific transmittal, and the optional <transmittal_version_serial> allows for a more specific designation of the transmittal to resolve. The rules governing the naming and versioning of transmittals are described more fully in the SEDRIS documentation set.


SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS and the transmittal name is resolved.
SE_RETCOD_FAILURE and the status code is set appropriately if the call failed.

Status Codes

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS is returned:

SE_STATCODE_SUCCESS set if valid parameters were passed in and the transmittal name was successfully resolved.

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_FAILURE is returned:

SE_STATCODE_INVALID_TRANSMITTAL_NAME set if the transmittal_name parameter did not specify a name that was valid according to the formal SEDRIS namespace. See the comment in the function description above about the nature of the validation done.
SE_STATCODE_UNRESOLVED_TRANSMITTAL set if the API could not resolve the transmittal_name to a file location.
SE_STATCODE_C_STORE_INVALID set if store is not a handle to a valid SE_Store.
SE_STATCODE_INACTIONABLE_FAILURE set if the API implementation specified does not provide this function in its shared library, and dynamic binding is specified at compile time.

Parameters Notes

1 a pointer to SE_URN specifying a valid transmittal name in the formal SEDRIS namespace. This parameter is validated only based upon the structured format of the name string as described above. That is, the sub-fields within the string are only checked for proper structure (character set, delimiters, etc.) and are NOT checked for consistency with namespace delegation rules, and proper use of transmittal versioning.

2 the store to be used when allocated the string used to return the file location.

3 a pointer to a SE_URL variable from the user. The file location will be returned via this pointer. The storage for the character string returned in this structure will be allocated within the store passed in.

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