SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
SE GetMeshFaceTableData
extern SE_Return_Code
SE_Object  mesh_face_table_object,1
SE_Boolean  get_adjacent_face_table_data,2
SE_Integer_Positive  start_face,
SE_Integer_Positive  number_faces,
SE_Store  store_in,3
SE_Integer_Unsigned  **mesh_face_table_data,4
SE_Integer_Unsigned  **adjacent_face_table_data5


Given the <Mesh Face Table> instance specified by mesh_face_table_object, this function returns the face definition data for the selected faces in mesh_face_table_data. The selected faces are specified by the start_face and number_faces parameters.

In addition, if get_adjacent_face_table_data has value SE_TRUE, the adjacent_face_table_data parameter returns the adjacent face information from the adjacent face table for the selected faces. If get_adjacent_face_table_data has value SE_FALSE, the adjacent_face_table_data parameter is not modified.

The array dimension specified by maximum_vertices_per_face is obtained from that field of mesh_face_table_object.


SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS and the requested data is returned.
SE_RETCOD_FAILURE and the status code is set appropriately if the call failed.

Status Codes

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS is returned:

SE_STATCODE_SUCCESS set if valid parameters were passed in and all operations succeeded.

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_FAILURE is returned:

SE_STATCODE_UNRESOLVED_INPUT_OBJECT and no changes are made if mesh_face_table_object is a handle to an unresolved DRM object.
SE_STATCODE_DELETED_OBJECT and no changes are made if mesh_face_table_object is a handle to a DRM object that has been removed from the transmittal in which it resided.
SE_STATCODE_C_STORE_INVALID and no changes are made if store_in is not a handle to a valid SE_Store.
SE_STATCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY and no changes are made if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
SE_STATCODE_INACTIONABLE_FAILURE and no changes are made if

Parameters Notes

1 specifies a <Mesh Face Table> instance from which the face definition data is to be retrieved

2 specifies whether the adjacent_face_table_data parameter is to be populated

3 a handle to a store; the API allocates memory for the requested data within this store.

4 an array of [number_faces][maximum_vertices_per_face] dimensions, where maximum_vertices_per_face is obtained from the fields of mesh_face_table_object

5 if requested, an array of [number_faces][maximum_vertices_per_face] dimensions, where maximum_vertices_per_face is obtained from the fields of mesh_face_table_object

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