SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
SE GetIterationLengthRemaining
extern SE_Return_Code
SE_Iterator  iterator,1
SE_Integer_Unsigned  *count2


Returns the number of objects remaining for the given iterator.

This function may take a lot of time and/or a lot of memory; don't use it unless you need to know the length of an iterator. If you do need to know length of an iterator, don't be afraid to use this function; it will not damage anything, but the call may take a while.


SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS and the length is returned.
SE_RETCOD_FAILURE and the status code is set appropriately if the call failed.

Status Codes

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_SUCCESS is returned:

SE_STATCODE_SUCCESS set if valid parameters were passed in and call was successful.

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RETCOD_FAILURE is returned:

  1. the iterator is invalid, or
  2. the call fails for any other reason.

Parameters Notes

1 the iterator whose length will be returned.

2 a pointer to a SE_Integer_Unsigned in the user's memory space to store the result.

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