The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX D - Functions
SE SetString
extern SE_DRM_Status_Code
const SE_Locale  *locale_ptr,1
const char  *c_str_ptr,2
SE_String  *string_out_ptr3


Creates an SE_String given a C string. If locale_ptr is NULL, SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT is used as the locale.


SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_SUCCESS and *string_out_ptr is populated from c_str_ptr, if valid parameters were passed in and all operations succeeded.
SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_NULL_REQUIRED_PARAMETER if c_str_ptr or string_out_ptr was NULL.
SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_FAILURE if memory allocation failed.

Parameters Notes

1 SE_Locale to populate output.

2 C string to populate output

3 SE_String being populated

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