The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX D - Functions
SE GetSRFTCodeFromSRFContextInfo
extern SRM_Status_Code
const SE_SRF_Context_Info  *srf_info_in_ptr,1
SRM_SRFT_Code  *srft_code_out_ptr2


Returns the SRM_SRFT_Code represented by the SRF information stored in the SE_SRF_Context_Info. This includes the underlying SRM_SRFT_Code when the SE_SRF_Context_Info represents an SRF instance or SRF set member.


SRM_STATCOD_SUCCESS and the SRM_SRFT_Code is returned.
SRM_STATCOD_INVALID_INPUT if either parameter is NULL or the SE_SRF_Context_Info is invalid.

Parameters Notes

1 pointer to the SE_SRF_Context_Info whose SRFT code is to be returned.

2 a pointer to the variable in the user's memory space where the answer will be stored.

Prev: SE_GetPrecision. Next: SE_HLStoRGB. Up:Index.