EDCS Reference Manual
Concept Mapping from FACC 2.1 to EDCS 4.0
This document describes how environmental concepts are mapped from the
FACC Edition 2.1 to EDCS Version 4.0.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Denoting a Concept
- Overview
- Denoting a Concept
- Denoting Concepts
- Specifying Units of Measure
- Attribute Value Characteristics
- Mapping Concepts
- Mapping API Functions
- Mapping API Data Structures
- Mapping API Use Examples
Part 1: FACC Edition 2.1 Background
1. Overview
- Scope of DIGEST
Digital Geographic Information (DGI) has evolved into an essential element in the
planning and conduct of civil and military operations. The required data volume,
demands, and data complexity dictate that multi-national agreements for digital
data standards be established to assure compatibility. In support of this aim,
the Digital Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST) standards define those
aspects necessary to the exchange of DGI. They are as follows:
the data structures to be supported (including spatial structure and metadata);
a feature and attribute coding scheme;
a format;
exchange media; and
administrative procedures.
The type of data to be exchanged using these standards includes the digital
representation of the following:
geographic feature geometry and feature attribute information;
information concerning the appearance and status of the Earth's surface and
its features in the electromagnetic spectrum, e.g. radar, infra-red; and
other geographic information.
- Purpose of DIGEST
DIGEST standards enable interoperability and compatibility among national
and multinational systems and users. They also support the increasing use
of joint development programs. In fact, it is essential that geographic staffs
involved in the development of national Geographic Information Systems are
advised of the advantages of making their data structures and feature and
attribute coding schemes compatible with these standards.
- Feature and Attribute Coding Catalog
The intent of the DIGEST feature and attribute coding specification is to provide
a standard scheme for documenting features and attributes necessary to distinguish
environmental concepts commonly found in a Digital Geographic Information Systems
and for the orderly exchange of such data.
The specification, which is Part 4 of DIGEST, provides a common menu of features and
attributes along with a standardized coding system. They are known collectively as the
- Feature and Attribute Coding Catalogue (FACC) Data Dictionary.
FACC provides a means for encoding real-world entities or objects and concepts,
including those which are not necessarily visible or have a tangible physical form
(e.g., airspace). FACC describes the world in terms of features, attributes and
attribute values. FACC does not specify the delineation or geometry of features.
Attributes are the properties or characteristics associated with features. A
standardized dictionary is required to support encoding in order to maximize
interoperability and to understand the production, exchange, distribution, and
exploitation of digital geographic data.
The FACC Data Dictionary allows for individual
nations to define "national" features and attributes for cases where such features and
attributes are not readily defined in the normative FACC Data Dictionary. National
extensions are not specified within the normative FACC Data Dictionary, and may not
support interoperability.
The FACC Data Dictionary can be modified and updated to keep pace with the dynamic
technology improvements and changing requirements. National extensions may, if proposed
and approved, be incorporated into future editions of the normative FACC Data Dictionary.
Procedures for extending and modifying the FACC Data Dictionary are described in
DIGEST Part 4, Clause 5.3. In this way, the FACC Data Dictionary may be extended
so as to satisfy application requirements.
FACC Data Dictionary elements implement a specific coding structure. The coding
structure does not specify criteria for feature and attribute selection or
collection (e.g., positional accuracy, feature granularity). Selection and
collection criteria are dependent upon user requirements, and determined by
product specifications, data models, and database schemas.
- Feature coding
Within FACC, each feature is identified (denoted) by a unique five-character
code. The first character corresponds to the feature category and
can have an alphabetic value from "A" to "Z". Currently there are ten major feature
categories, including one category, "S", which has been reserved for dataset-specific
features. The categories are as follows:
Category Category |
Code Name |
A | Culture |
B | Hydrography |
C | Hypsography |
D | Physiography |
E | Vegetation |
F | Demarcation |
G | Aeronautical Information |
I | Cadastral |
S | Special Use (Dataset-specific) |
Z | General |
Each major feature category is further divided into subcategories identified
by the second character of the five-character code containing an
alphabetic value from "A" to "Z". Finally, the third, fourth, and fifth characters
of the five-character feature code are a numeric value from 000
to 999. This value provides unique feature type identification within categories.
Thus, all features must be identified by all five alphanumeric characters;
e.g., the feature named "Building" is denoted by the
code "AL015". Feature codes are listed in
Annex A
of the FACC Data Dictionary.
Each feature is associated with a textual description, which provides a human
readable dictionary definition for the feature. Each Feature Code is also
associated with a short human readable name.
Code: "AA010"
Name: "Mine"
Definition: "An excavation made in the earth for the purpose
of extracting natural deposits. (See also AQ090)"
Code: "BB150"
Name: "Landing Place"
Definition: "A place on shore where landing from the sea is possible."
Code: "DB180"
Name: "Volcano"
Definition: "A mountain or hill, often conical, formed around
a vent in the earth's crust through which molten rock, ash,
or gases are or have been expelled."
Code: "FA001"
Name: "Administrative Area"
Definition: "An area controlled by administrative authority."
Code: "GB075"
Name: "Taxiway"
Definition: "A prepared surface providing access to/from runways
and the aircraft parking area, terminal area, or service area,
- Attribute coding
Attributes are used to describe characteristics of a feature, e.g., vegetation
characteristic of a forested area (e.g., deciduous or evergreen). Each attribute is
described by using an attribute code to represent the category
of information. Each attribute is associated with a
textual description, which provides a human readable dictionary definition
for the attribute. Attribute value format statements provide a computer
interpretation for the attribute value data type (e.g., real, alphanumeric)
and attribute values give quantitative/qualitative meaning to the attribute.
Each attribute is identified by a unique three-character alphanumeric
code. For example, the attribute named "Building
Function Code" is denoted by the code "BFC", and the attribute
named "Total Usable Width" is denoted by the code
There are two types of attribute values: "coded" and "actual".
A given attribute has only one type of value, which is specified in
Annex B
of the FACC Data Dictionary.
Certain generic attribute concepts are often useful for value adding, or
explaining missing attribution, and are pre-defined in FACC for all types
of attributes. These concepts are: Null, Unknown, Unpopulated, Not Applicable,
Multiple, and Other. DIGEST
Part 2, Annex C, Clause C. describes the implementation of these
generic attribute concepts.
- Coded Value Attributes
"Coded" values (equivalent to enumerants in other
coding schemes) may range from 0 to 999 and each value is given meaning by
a name consisting of descriptive text. The value of such attributes
is thus an (enumerant) code denoting the named description.
For Coded Value Attributes, its value may be logically defined as shown below,
comprised of a code, a format (a data type) and a value:
Attribute Code |
Attribute Value Format |
Attribute Value |
I |
6 |
where code "BFC" denotes the attribute
named "Building Function Category";
"I" indicates
the data type of the coded value (a 4-byte integer for coded value attributes); and
"6" indicates
the value of the attribute (the code denoting the
named description "Hospital").
The full specification for this attribute concept is:
Code: "BFC"
Name: "Building Function Category"
Definition: "Type or purpose of the building."
Value Domain:
Code / Name: "0" "Unknown"
Code / Name: "1" "Fabrication Structures"
Code / Name: "2" "Government Building"
Code / Name: "3" "Capitol Building"
Code / Name: "4" "Castle"
Code / Name: "5" "Government Administration Building"
Code / Name: "6" "Hospital"
Code / Name: "7" "House of Worship"
Code / Name: "8" "Military Administration/Operations Building"
Code / Name: "9" "Museum"
Code / Name: ...
Code / Name: "997" "Unpopulated"
Code / Name: "998" "Not Applicable"
Code / Name: "999" "Other"
Additional information about Coded Value Attributes is contained in
Annex B.
- Actual Value Attributes
"Actual" values have a format (data type), one of: A (Alphanumeric),
I (Integer), L (Lexical), R (Real Number) or S (Structured Text).
Real values are typically measurements like height, width, etc. The units of
measurement associated with an attribute are abbreviated according to the
units of measurement codes defined in
DIGEST Part 3,
Clause 7 and incorporated into the specification of the attribute.
For example, a four lane, 19.5 meter wide road (denoted by the feature
code "AP030"), having the common name "M-4", would be
attributed as follows:
Attribute Code |
Attribute Value Format |
Attribute Value |
RTN (route number) |
A |
"M-4" |
LTN (track/lane number) |
I |
4 |
WD2 (total usable width in decimetres) |
I |
195 |
Data types or values for Lexical format attributes default to DIGEST Lexical
level 0 or ASCII. However, when a LEX flag is present, a much wider range of character
sets is available and it follows the ISO 10646 set of characters. Lexical values
are described in detail in DIGEST
Part 3, Clause 5.
Structured Text format is used with only a few "low frequency of
occurrence" attributes which must be expressed in non-standard units of measure.
The format for Structured Text is:
number(unit)[qualifier], where
number |
is the numeric quantity of the attribute, |
unit (see DIGEST
Part 3, Clause 7) |
is enclosed in parentheses ( ), and |
qualifier |
is an expression (such as a rate) which qualifies unit
and is enclosed in brackets [ ]. |
For instance, the rate at which aircraft can safely fly according to
"Minimum Enroute Altitude" (denoted by the attribute code "MEA")
would be attributed as follows:
Attribute Code |
Attribute Value Format |
Attribute Value |
S |
"6000[ft](AMSL)" |
where "ft" indicates "Feet" (Reference
Part 3, Clause 7), and "AMSL" indicates "Above Mean Sea Level".
Some example Actual Value Attribute specifications are:
Code: "AIA"
Name: "Airspace Identification Attribute"
Definition: "A set of characters which enables an individual
airspace to be uniquely identified."
Value Domain: Lexical text string (15 characters).
Code: "AOO"
Name: "Angle of Orientation"
Definition: "The angular distance measured from true north (0 deg)
clockwise to the major axis of the feature. If the feature
is square, the axis 0 through 89 deg shall be recorded. If
the feature is circular, 360 deg shall be recorded."
Value Domain: Integer between O and 360 inclusive, in
increments of 1 degree.
Code: "BEN"
Name: "Basic Encyclopedia Number"
Definition: "Unique number associated with a feature which is used to
identify the feature in other national or intelligence
data bases."
Value Domain: ASCII text string (16 characters).
Code: "C60"
Name: "Rate of Current (IHO)"
Definition: "Rate of current flow at tide reference level."
Value Domain: Real, in Knots.
Code: "PDR"
Name: "Pedestrian Rate"
Definition: "Number of pedestrians per time unit (this attribute
utilizes the structured text approach), e.g. '10(persons)[per
Value Domain: Structured ASCII text (80 characters).
Additional information about Actual Value Attributes is contained in
Annex B.
See the DIGEST Website for more
information on the structure and content of
FACC Edition 2.1.
2. Denoting a Concept
In FACC Edition 2.1, only a single mechanism exists for denoting feature (classification),
attribute, and "coded" (enumerant) concepts: the code.
-- For features, for example:
Code: "AA010"
Name: "Mine"
Definition: "An excavation made in the earth for the purpose
of extracting natural deposits. (See also AQ090)"
The feature name is "Mine",
and the code is (a 5-character string containing) "AA010".
-- For attributes, for example:
Code: "C60"
Name: "Rate of Current (IHO)"
Definition: "Rate of current flow at tide reference level."
Value Domain: Real, in Knots.
The attribute name is "Rate of Current (IHO)",
and the code is (a 4-character string containing) "C60".
-- For coded attribute values (enumerants), for example:
Attribute Code: "BFC"
Value Domain:
Code / Name: "1" "Fabrication Structures"
The coded value (enumerant) name is "Fabrication Structures"
and the code is (an integer) 1.
In summary:
The code is a 5- (or 3-) character string, or an integer, intended
primarily for efficient software use, but in practice might be a string that is
(sometimes) human interpretable, e.g., the code "AA010"
denoting the feature concept named "Mine".
Part 2: EDCS Version 4.0 Background
1. Overview
The EDCS provides mechanisms to unambiguously specify objects used to model
environmental concepts. This is accomplished by specifying a collection of
nine EDCS Dictionaries of environmental concepts, and a functional interface to
convert between numeric values given in different units of measure and scales.
An EDCS Dictionary is a list of EDCS Dictionary Entries each of which specifies
a single concept. Each EDCS Dictionary contains entries of a similar nature,
however each entry is unique. Each EDCS Dictionary Entry consists of the
following fields:
- definition
- label
- code
- reference type and references
- other EDCS Dictionary-dependent information such as value types,
unit symbols, unit equivalence classes.
The nine EDCS Dictionaries are:
- EDCS Classification (EC) Dictionary
- EDCS Attribute (EA) Dictionary
- EDCS Attribute Value Characteristic (EV) Dictionary
- EDCS Attribute Enumerant (EE) Dictionary
- EDCS Unit (EU) Dictionary
- EDCS Unit Scale (ES) Dictionary
- EDCS Unit Equivalence Class (EQ) Dictionary
- EDCS Organizational Schema (EO) Dictionary
- EDCS Group (EG) Dictionary
Additional entries may be added to most EDCS Dictionaries through the
process of registration.
The EDCS Application Program Interface (API) supports conversion between
real values given in different units of measure.
See the EDCS Website for more
information on the structure and content of the EDCS.
2. Denoting a Concept
Every concept In the EDCS Version 4.0 can be consistently denoted in two
fashions: a label and a code.
The label field of an EDCS Dictionary Entry is a
compact and human-readable designator that is used to denote a concept.
Labels may include the name or names for the concept. Labels:
- uniquely denote a concept within a dictionary,
- are a succinct expression of the concept it denotes,
- are represented as a character string, and
- are human readable.
The code field of an EDCS Dictionary Entry is a
compact, and not necessarily human-readable, designator that is used to
denote a concept. Codes:
- uniquely denote a concept within a dictionary,
- are represented as an integer, and
- are assigned sequentially in increasing order within an
EDCS Dictionary, beginning at 1.
There is a one-to-one relationship between labels and codes in the
same EDCS Dictionary. Therefore, a label and a code may be used
interchangeably to denote the same concept.
The EDCS Version 4.0 carefully separates the abstract specification of the EDCS
(see ISO/IEC 18025 EDCS) from
language-specific bindings (see ISO/IEC 18041-4
EDCS Language Bindings: Part 4: C).
As a result, in EDCS Version 4.0, three mechanisms exist for denoting EDCS concepts:
the symbolic constant, the label, and the code.
For example, from files "edcs_types.h" and "edcs_class_iso.h" in the SDK Version 4.0 release:
* Definition:
* An <EXCAVATION> made in the <TERRAIN> for the purpose of extracting
* and/or exploiting natural resources; an extraction mine.
#define ECC_EXTRACTION_MINE ((EDCS_Classification_Code)343)
static const EDCS_Classification_Label_Entry
}; /* EDCS_Classification_Labels */
The classification symbolic constant is "ECC_EXTRACTION_MINE",
the label is "EXTRACTION_MINE", and the code is the
EDCS_Classification_Code data type (an integer) of value 343.
Analogous mechanisms, and supporting structures and data types, exist for concepts
in each of the other eight EDCS Dictionaries.
The symbolic constant can be used by programmers as a shorthand
for the code, with the value of the code denoting
the concept (e.g.) "Extraction Mine". The symbolic constants are defined in
ISO/IEC 18041-4
EDCS Language Bindings: Part 4: C.
The label is human-readable, and follows particular syntactic
rules. It also denotes the concept (e.g.) "Extraction Mine", and is represented
as a string with no prefix. Its string-value is defined in
the EDCS abstract specification (ISO/IEC
18025 EDCS). The corresponding
symbolic constant is derivable from the label
through a set of rules documented in ISO/IEC 18041-4; in particular, the
results of applying those rules are fully documented there.
The code is an integer, and is intended for efficient software use.
It also denotes the concept (e.g.) "Extraction Mine".
In summary:
- Symbolic constants are used by programmers as
shorthand for codes.
- Labels are used by humans, and user interfaces.
- Codes are used by software.
Part 3: Concept Mapping from FACC Edition 2.1 to Version 4.0
1. Denoting Concepts
The EDCS Version 4.0 is significantly different than FACC Edition 2.1
in the manner in which analogous concepts are denoted are denoted -- i.e., how each unique
concept may be referenced by either humans or software. In EDCS Version 4.0, three
mechanisms exist for denoting EDCS concepts:
the symbolic constant, the label, and the code.
These are all equivalent in some sense to the code in the FACC Edition 2.1.
The EDCS Version 4.0 symbolic constant is a constant that can be used
by programmers as a shorthand for the code.
-- The FACC Edition 2.1 code is a "naked" string or integer. Although
a C-language specific symbolic constant might be defined, the DIGEST FACC
specifies no such functionality.
The EDCS Version 4.0 label is human-readable, but follows particular
syntactic rules and can be machine parsed.
The corresponding symbolic constant is easily derivable from it.
-- The FACC Edition 2.1 code is a compact string or integer. Although
the codes for features (classification) and attributes (both strings)
could be (and sometimes are) memorized, they are not especially convenient for
such use for most users.
The EDCS Version 4.0 code is functionally equivalent to the
FACC Edition 2.1 code, however it is always an integer. In
FACC Edition 2.1 codes it may be either a string or an integer.
-- It is important to keep these differences in code types in mind. All
EDCS Version 4.0 codes are positive, non-zero integers that are consecutively
assigned within the scope of an EDCS Dictionary. The code whose value
is the integer 1 will denote different concepts in different EDCS Dictionaries,
just as the label whose value is "METRE" will denote different
concepts in different EDCS Dictionaries.
Example concepts from each EDCS Dictionary follow, first stating its label,
and then specifying its symbolic constant, and finally specifying
its code data type (always fundamentally an integer) and finally
its value.
EDCS Dictionaries containing concepts comparable to those in FACC Edition 2.1:
Classification (comparable to FACC Edition 2.1 Feature)
#define ECC_ACCESS_ZONE ((EDCS_Classification_Code) 3)
Attribute (comparable to FACC Edition 2.1 Attribute)
Enumerant (comparable to FACC Edition 2.1 Coded Attribute Values)
#define EEC_WTRBDACAMBNSE_ANDES ((EAC_Waterbody_Acoustic_Ambient_Noise_Spectral_Model) 1)
(Note that each EA is a separate data type.)
EDCS Dictionaries containing concepts not comparable to those in FACC Edition 2.1:
Value Characteristic (FACC handles these in a variety of fashions)
#define EVC_VALUE_SPECIFIED ((EDCS_Value_Characteristic_Code) 1)
Unit (FACC binds these into the specification of individual attributes)
#define EUC_AMP_PER_METRE ((EDCS_Unit_Code) 1)
Unit Equivalence Class (FACC has nothing comparable)
#define EQC_ABSORBED_DOSE ((EDCS_Unit_Equivalence_Code) 1)
Scale (FACC has nothing comparable)
ES Label: "YOTTA"
#define ESC_YOTTA ((EDCS_Scale_Code) 1)
Organizational Schema (FACC has nothing comparable)
#define EOC_GENERAL ((EDCS_Organization_Schema_Code) 1)
Group (FACC has nothing comparable)
#define EGC_GEN_ABSTRACT_OBJECT ((EOC_General) 1)
(Note that each EO is a separate data type.)
2. Specifying Units of Measure
Units of measure in the FACC Edition 2.1 are bound into the specification of
individual attributes. For example, the following two FACC Version 2.1 attributes
differ only in their units of measure:
Code: "HGF"
Name: "Height Above Surface Level in Feet"
Definition: "Distance measured from the lowest point of the base
at ground or water level (downhill side/downstream
side) to the tallest point of the feature."
Value Domain: Integer, in Feet.
Code: "HGT"
Name: "Height Above Surface Level"
Definition: "Distance measured from the lowest point of the base
at ground or water level (downhill side/downstream
side) to the tallest point of the feature."
Value Domain: Integer, in Meters.
In the EDCS Version 4.0, concepts of units of measure
have been given their own EDCS Dictionary and a separate EDCS Scale Dictionary
supports the specification of the scale of the units of measure for an
attribute value. Unit and scale labels are prefixed with "EUC_" and
"ESC_", respectively, and their codes are represented as positive,
non-zero consecutively assigned integers. Both the unit and scale are required
in order to fully specify the meaning of the value of many quantitative attributes.
For example, to fully specify the value of the height of a mountain, in FACC
Edition 2.1 either of attributes "HGF" or "HGT" could be used, however no other
unit of measure for length, or different scale, could be used.
In the EDCS Version 4.0, the same information would be specified for the attribute
denoted by the label HEIGHT_ABOVE_SURFACE_LEVEL by simultaneously
specifying two separate, orthogonal concepts: EUC_MILE and ESC_DECI, where EUC_MILE
specifies the "mile" unit of measure and ESC_DECI specifies the "deci" scale
of that unit of measure.
3. Attribute Value Characteristics
In FACC Edition 2.1, each coded value (enumerated) attribute had several
enumerant concepts denoted by names such as "Unknown",
"Multiple", "Unpopulated", "Other", and/or "Not Applicable", which
were descriptions of the attribute data value rather than the
attribute data value itself.
In EDCS Version 4.0, these concepts have been moved into the EDCS Attribute Value
Characteristic Dictionary, where they can be applied to attributes of any type.
The labels of attribute value characteristic concepts are
prefixed with "EVC_" and their codes are represented as positive, non-zero,
consecutively assigned integers.
For example, in FACC Edition 2.1:
Attribute Code: "BFC"
Value Domain:
Code / Name: "0" "Unknown"
The equivalent, in EDCS Version 4.0, would be denoted as the pair of concepts:
Attribute Label: "BUILDING_FUNCTION"
Attribute Value Characteristic Label: "MISSING"
4. Mapping Concepts
Concepts encoded using the FACC Edition 2.1 are encoded differently using the EDCS Version
4.0, however essentially all concepts supported by FACC Edition 2.1 are also supported by
EDCS Version 4.0, albeit sometimes using a combination of several EDCS Version 4.0
"atomic" concepts.
The tables at the end of this section document the mapping of concepts from
FACC Edition 2.1 to EDCS Version 4.0.
In the significant majority of cases, the concept mapping is one-to-one and direct.
In some cases, however, the mapping is more complex.
These tables document the mappings for each of the concept types in FACC Edition 2.1:
features (classifications), attributes, coded attribute values (enumerants). In
addition to listing the "FACC 2.1 Code"
for each concept, each table includes the columns "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Type",
"EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Information", and "Additional Notes".
The value of "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Type" defines how to interpret and
use the information listed in "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Information".
The value of "Additional Notes" includes human-interpretable information that either
clarifies the rationale behind the mapping type, or provides additional information
for special cases.
An additional column, "EDCS 4.0 Relevant Unit and Scale", is included for FACC Version
2.1 attributes, since this information is implicit in their definition, but must be
made explicit when using the EDCS Version 4.0.
The Concept Mapping Types are as follows:
ONE_TO_ZERO - The FACC Edition 2.1 concept does not exist in the EDCS Version 4.0.
The "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Information" column will be empty.
- FACC Feature does not map
ZD003 (named "Data Artifact Location")
No mapping to the EDCS Version 4.0, because the EDCS is concerned with
environmental concepts rather than data processing concepts.
- FACC Attribute does not map
FON (named "Type of Font")
No mapping to the EDCS Version 4.0, because the EDCS is concerned with
environmental concepts rather than presentation/display concepts.
The FACC Edition 2.1 concept is mapped directly to a single EDCS Version
4.0 concept. The "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Information" column will contain the
symbolic constant of the appropriate EDCS Version 4.0 concept.
- FACC Feature maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Classification
AA010 (named "Mine")
maps to
- FACC Attribute maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute
HGT (named "Height Above Surface Level")
maps to
-- Note that this is a quantitative attribute for which the value is
represented as an "integer" in FACC Edition 2.1, whereas the representation
in EDCS Version 4.0 is as a REAL. An "integer" can be
represented as a REAL without loss of information. The unit of measure in FACC
Edition 2.1 is defined as "meter", while in the EDCS Version 4.0 the Unit
Equivalence Class EQC_LENGTH is specified (for which EUC_METRE is preferred).
These units of measure are commensurate and exactly match, so no unit of measure
conversion will be required.
- FACC Attribute maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute
CIC (named "Color Intensity Category")
maps to
-- Note that since this is a qualitative attribute for which the value is
represented as "coded" in FACC Edition 2.1, whereas the representation
in EDCS Version 4.0 is as an ENUMERATION. "Coded" is
comparable to ENUMERATION, however FACC Edition 2.1 "coded" includes metadata
statements that are encoded differently in the EDCS Version 4.0. Each of the
"CIC" attribute coded values (enumerants) must be examined and mapped. In this
particular case, each coded value of the "CIC" attribute has an exact mapping
to a value of EAC_COLOUR_INTENSITY, or to a value of Attribute Value Metadata.
The FACC Edition 2.1 concept is mapped directly, but it will be
replaced with two or more EDCS Version 4.0 concepts. The "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping
Information" column will contain a semicolon-delimited list of EDCS Version 4.0 concepts.
- FACC Feature maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Classification plus one or more 4.0 Attributes with values
EB030 (named "Land Use / Land Cover (Vegetation)")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
-- Note that the ECC_OBJECT_SET is a broader concept than "EB030", so the
qualifying EA is used to narrow the concept appropriately.
- FACC Attribute maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute plus one or more 4.0 Attributes with values
ALA (named "Absolute latitude accuracy relative to WGS 84 ellipsoid")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
-- Note that this is a quantitative attribute for which the value is
represented as a "numeric" in FACC Edition 2.1, whereas the representation
in EDCS Version 4.0 is as a REAL. A "numeric" can be
represented as a REAL without loss of information. The unit of measure in FACC
Edition 2.1 is defined as "meter", while in the EDCS Version 4.0 the Unit
Equivalence Class EQC_LENGTH is specified (for which EUC_METRE is preferred).
These units of measure are commensurate and exactly match, so no unit of measure
conversion will be required.
- FACC Attribute maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute plus one or more 4.0 Attributes with values
NMD (named "Notice to Mariners Date")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
-- Note that the definition for attribute "NMD" specifies a format for
the "string" value. EAC_MARINER_NOTICE_DATE is a more general concept that
doesn't specify the format of the "string", but instead has an Attribute
Value Type of CONSTRAINED_STRING. The semantics of CONSTRAINED_STRING require
that the nature of the constraint be specified; the use of EAC_DATE_FORMAT
as a qualifier provides the specifaction of that constraint. The enumerant
EEC_DATEFMT_ISO specifies the same constraint as included in the definition
of NMD.
The FACC Edition 2.1 concept is mapped to a single exact EDCS
Version 4.0 concept, but the EDCS Version 4.0 concept will be either a different enumerant
of a different attribute concept or a different concept altogether.
The "EDCS Version 4.0 Concept Mapping Information" column will contain the new concept.
- FACC Attribute with specific value maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute with specific value
FTC (named "Farming Type Category")
with code 1 (named "Slash & Burn-Shifting cultivation")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
FTC (named "Farming Type Category")
with code 3 (named "Terraced")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
FTC (named "Farming Type Category")
with code 4 (named "Ditch Irrigation")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
-- Note that the original "mixed" attribute "FTC" concept in FACC
Edition 2.1 was split into three different "orthogonal" attribute concepts
in the EDCS Version 4.0, and specific FACC "coded" values were mapped to
different EDCS EEs (of different EAs).
- FACC Attribute with specific value maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute with metadata value
FTC (named "Farming Type Category")
with code 9 (named "Type of field Pattern")
maps to
with METADATA value of
-- Note that unlike the preceeding examples, this one of the "coded" values of
attribute "FTC" is mapped to an EA, and not an enumerant of an EA. It is assigned
an EDCS Attribute Value Metadata value of UNDESIGNATED, since FACC provided
no specification of what "Type of field Pattern" was present/intended.
The FACC Edition 2.1 concept is mapped to a single exact EDCS Version
4.0 Value Characteristic Dictionary concept. The "EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Information" column
will contain the new characteristic concept.
- FACC Attribute with specific value maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute with specific value
JCR (named "Junction Connectivity Road")
with code 1 (named "Full Connectivity")
maps to
with the ENUMERATION value of
JCR (named "Junction Connectivity Road")
with code 2 (named "Restricted Access")
maps to
with the ENUMERATION value of
-- Note that these two examples provide context for the following.
- FACC Attribute with specific value maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute with CHARACTERISTIC value
JCR (named "Junction Connectivity Road")
with code 0 (named "Unknown")
maps to
with the CHARACTERISTIC value of
JCR (named "Junction Connectivity Road")
with code 997 (named "Unpopulated")
maps to
with the CHARACTERISTIC value of
JCR (named "Junction Connectivity Road")
with code 998 (named "Not Applicable")
maps to
with the CHARACTERISTIC value of
JCR (named "Junction Connectivity Road")
with code 999 (named "Undesignated")
maps to
with the CHARACTERISTIC value of
-- Note that for each of these, the concept in the FACC Edition 2.1 "coded"
value is actually a statement about the value of the concept, rather
than a value of the concept itself. Therefore in the EDCS it is represented
by an Attribute Value Characteristic concept.
The FACC Edition 2.1 concept is mapped directly to a single
EDCS Version 4.0 concept, however the data type used to represent the value of the
concept has changed.
- FACC Attribute of type "coded" maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute value of type BOOLEAN
SUR (named "Survey Category")
maps to
-- Note that some "coded" values map to the BOOLEAN values of EAC_SURVEY_ADEQUATE,
whereas other "coded" values map to Attribute Value Metadata values.
- FACC Attribute of type "actual" "Integer" maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute value of type REAL
HGT (named "Height Above Surface Level")
maps to
-- Note that this is a quantitative attribute for which the value is
represented as an "integer" in FACC Edition 2.1, whereas the representation
in EDCS Version 4.0 is as a REAL. An "integer" can be
represented as a REAL without loss of information. The unit of measure in FACC
Edition 2.1 is defined as "meter", while in the EDCS Version 4.0 the Unit
Equivalence Class EQC_LENGTH is specified (for which EUC_METRE is preferred).
These units of measure are commensurate and exactly match, so no unit of measure
conversion will be required.
- FACC Attribute of type "actual" "Structured Text" maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute value of type CONSTRAINED_STRING
PDS (named "Periodic Date Start")
maps to
with ENUMERANT value of
-- Note that the semantics of CONSTRAINED_STRING require
that the nature of the constraint be specified; the use of EAC_DATE_FORMAT
as a qualifier provides the specifaction of that constraint. The enumerant
EEC_CCYYMMDD specifies the same constraint as included in the definition
of PDS.
- FACC Attribute value of type "coded" maps to EDCS Version 4.0 Attribute value of type REAL over a specific INTERVAL
SL1 (named "Slope Gradient Left (1)")
with code 1 (named "<= 30%")
maps to
EAC_LEFT_BANK_SLOPE on the REAL interval [0, 30]
with Units: EUC_PERCENT and Scale: ESC_UNI
SL1 (named "Slope Gradient Left (1)")
with code 2 (named "> 30 and <= 45%")
maps to
EAC_LEFT_BANK_SLOPE on the REAL interval (30, 45]
with Units: EUC_PERCENT and Scale: ESC_UNI
SL1 (named "Slope Gradient Left (1)")
with code 3 (named "> 45 and <= 60%")
maps to
EAC_LEFT_BANK_SLOPE on the REAL interval (45, 60]
with Units: EUC_PERCENT and Scale: ESC_UNI
SL1 (named "Slope Gradient Left (1)")
with code 4 (named "> 60%")
maps to
EAC_LEFT_BANK_SLOPE on the REAL interval (60, OPEN)
with Units: EUC_PERCENT and Scale: ESC_UNI
-- Note that attribute "SL1" is of type "coded", whereas EAC_LEFT_BANK_SLOPE is
of Attribute Value Type REAL. A REAL interval is defined in each case which is
the same as the concept denoted by the FACC "coded" value. Since EAC_LEFT_BANK_SLOPE
has the Unit Equivalence Class of EQC_PURE_NUMBER, unit EUC_PERCENT is appropriate.
Additionally, the ESC_UNI scale is specified. This same process is repeated
for all of the "coded" values of attribute "SL1". Note also that some
"coded" values map to Attribute Value Metadata values.
SPECIAL_CASE - These cases will require some human reasoning to determine the best
way to realize the FACC Edition 2.1 concept in EDCS Version 4.0. Both the "EDCS 4.0
Concept Mapping Information" column and "Additional Notes" column contains information
giving recommendations regarding how to handle the specific case.
- Extracting data from Structured Text
MEA (named "Minimum Enroute Altitude")
maps to
-- Note that the representation of the value of attribute "MEA" is "actual"
"Structured Text" whereas the Attribute Value Type of EAC_MINIMUM_ENROUTE_ALTITUDE
is REAL, with EQC_LENGTH. While the concepts are equivalent, the string value of "MEA"
must be parsed, represented as a REAL, and then assigned a unit (e.g., EUC_METRE)
and a scale (e.g., ESC_UNI).
- Determining appropriate Unit and Scale from context
AAH (named "Absolute Horizontal Accuracy")
maps to
-- Note that included in the definition of attribute "AAH" is the statement that
"Units shall be described by reading the UNIaah field." Since the attribute value
representation is "actual" "numeric", it is therefore representable as a REAL.
However, it is necessary to check the encompassing context of use ("the UNIaah
field") in order to determine if the unit of measure in use for a given data set
is appropriate (is a member of the Unit Equivalence Class EQC_LENGTH), and then
to specify the unit (e.g., EUC_METRE) and scale (e.g., ESC_UNI) in use.
- Combing two single-valued attributes into a single interval-valued attribute
DR1 (named "Depth Range Value 1")
maps to
-- Note that the "DR1" attribute is usually present in a dataset in conjunction
with the "DR2" attribute. It can therefore be mapped to EAC_WATER_DEPTH as a
REAL interval with the lower end as "[" with the value supplied for attribute
"DR1", and the upper end as "]" with the accompanying value of the "DR2" attribute
(if the "DR2" attribute is missing, use "OPEN]").
DR2 (named "Depth Range Value 2")
maps to
-- Note that the "DR2" attribute is usually present in a dataset in conjunction
with the "DR1" attribute. It can therefore be mapped to EAC_WATER_DEPTH as a
REAL interval with the lower end as "[" with the accompanying value of the "DR1"
attribute (if the "DR1" attribute is missing, use "[OPEN"), and the upper end as "]"
with the value supplied for attribute "DR2".
When the Concept Mapping Type is ONE_TO_ONE,
"EDCS 4.0 Concept Mapping Information" column has very specific formatted
information in it. It will be one or more of the following possibilities
(multiple concepts will be of this form, separated by semicolons):
- ECC_(Classification)
The symbolic constant of a single EDCS Version 4.0 classification
concept; there will be no additional information.
- EAC_(Attribute)
The symbolic constant of a single EDCS Version 4.0 attribution
concept; there will be no additional information.
- EAC_(Attribute) with the (type) value of
(value) Unit: EUC_(Unit) Scale: ESC_(Scale)
The symbolic constant of a single EDCS Version 4.0 attribute
concept with a specific (value). The
(value) is determined by the (type).
If the (type) is ENUMERANT, then the
(value) will be a
symbolic constant of the form
If the (type) is REAL, then the
(value) will be a real number,
and the Unit and Scale values will be the symbolic constants
of the unit of measure and scale of that (value).
If the (type) is CHARACTERISTIC, then the
will be a symbolic constant of the form "EVC_(Characteristic)".
"EAC_ORIENTATION_ANGLE with the REAL value of 11.25 Unit: EUC_DEGREE_ARC Scale: ESC_UNI"
- EAC_(Attribute) on the (type) interval
(interval) Unit: EUC_(Unit) Scale: ESC_(Scale)
The symbolic constant of a single EDCS Version 4.0 attribute concept
on a specific (interval). (Interval)s are of the form
"[ or (", "<lower bound>, <upper bound>", "] or )". A "[" and "]"
indicate that the given bound is inclusive and "(" and ")" indicate that the given
bound is exclusive. The (lower or upper) bound of "OPEN" indicates an unbounded limit.
If the (type) is REAL, then the
(interval) expression will be followed by
the Unit and Scale values as symbolic constants for
the unit of measure and scale of that (interval).
If the (type) is COUNT or INTEGER,
then only the (interval) expression is specified
(Unit and Scale values do not apply).
"EAC_PREDOMINANT_WATER_DEPTH on the REAL interval (1.6, 2.4] Unit: EUC_METRE Scale: ESC_UNI"
"EAC_BALEEN_WHALE_YEARLY_CATCH on the COUNT interval [1,100]"
As should be clear from several of the preceeding mapping examples, it is important
to keep in mind that FACC Edition 2.1 "actual" "Integer" and "actual" "Real" valued
attributes include the specification of Unit and Scale information as part of their
definition. Since the EDCS Version 4.0 represents these concepts separately, and
supports only a specific set of Unit and Scale concepts, conversion of data values
from a FACC-based data set to an EDCS-based data set may be required.
WGF (named "Width in Feet")
maps to
with Units: EUC_METRE and Scale: ESC_UNI
-- Note that while unit of measure EUC_FOOT is supported in EDCS Version 4.0,
it is deprecated, and the preferred unit of measure is EUC_METRE. If we wished
to avoid the use of deprecated units in our mapping, we could convert the "WGF"
attribute value in "feet" in a FACC-based data set to a EAC_WIDTH value in
"meter" in an EDCS-based data set.
KVA (named "Kilovolt Capacity Attribute")
maps to
with Units: EUC_VOLT and Scale: ESC_KILO
-- Note that not only do the units of measure need to be mapped, but also that the
"KVA" attribute representation of "actual" "Integer" is mapped to the EDCS Attribute
Value Type of REAL. An "Integer" can be represented as a REAL without loss of information.
Careful examination of the mappings of specific concepts from FACC Edition 2.1 to
EDCS Version 4.0 will reveal that in some cases more than one FACC Edition 2.1 concept
is mapped to the same EDCS 4.0 concept.
ZB060 (named "Geodetic Point")
(Definition: "A physical point on the Earth's
surface having a surveyed position (e.g. Trig Points).")
ZB035 (named "Control Point/Control Station")
(Definition: "An object or mark on the ground of
known position, elevation, or both.")
map to
(Definition: "An <OBJECT> or <MARKER> on the
<TERRAIN> with known position; a survey marker.")
-- Note that while the mapping is very close, it is not exact, because FACC Edition
2.1 draws a (minor) distinction whereas the EDCS Version 4.0 does not. However, a
qualifying attribute might be used to capture this distinction, if desired. The
EDCS Versions 4.0 concept is somewhat broader than either of the individual FACC
Edition 2.1 concepts.
VC3 (named "Vertical Clearance, Safe with greater than 1 meter resolution")
(Definition: "Encodes the safe vertical clearance of an
object measured from the horizontal plane toward the object.")
(Representation: Floating point, in meters.)
VCS (named "Vertical Clearance, Safe")
(Definition: "Encodes the safe vertical clearance of an
object measured from the plane toward the object overhead.")
(Representation: Integer, in meters.)
map to
(Definition: "The safe vertical clearance of an <OBJECT>
measured from the ground <SURFACE> underneath to the <OBJECT>
-- Note that both FACC Edition 2.1 attributes are "numeric" valued and use the
same unit of measure "meters". The EDCS Version 4.0 attribute
EAC_VERTICAL_CLEARANCE_SAFE is REAL valued, and Unit Equivalence Class EQC_LENGTH,
for which unit EUC_METRE is preferred. These representations and units of measure
are commensurate or exactly match, so no conversions are required. The additional
stated precision of the "VC3" attribute can be captured using other metadata
mechanisms, such as the SEDRIS DRM <PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTIC> object.
RNK (named "Ranking of Feature")
(Definition: "Significance of feature, indicates likely
range of facilities available at or in the close vicinity.")
(Representation: Floating point, in meters.)
ORD (named "Ordinal Category")
(Definition: "Indicator of relative importance of a feature.")
(Representation: Integer, in meters.)
map to
(Definition: "The relative importance of an
<OBJECT> as an ordinal rank.")
-- Note that these are qualitative attributes for which the FACC Edition 2.1
attribute value is represented as "coded", whereas the representation in EDCS
Version 4.0 is ENUMERATION. FACC Edition 2.1 "coded" is comparable to EDCS
Version 4.0 ENUMERATION, but FACC Edition 2.1 "coded" includes value characteristic statements
that are denoted differently in the EDCS Version 4.0. Each of the "RNK" and "ORD"
coded values (enumerants) requires examination; each value of "RNK" and "ORD" has
an exact mapping to an ENUMERANT of EAC_OBJECT_ORDINAL_RANK, or to a value of
Attribute Value Characteristic. The EDCS Version 4.0 concept is broader than either
of the individual FACC Edition 2.1 concepts, as it applies to more than "features".
The FACC Edition 2.1 distinction between the "RNK" and "ORD" concepts appears to
be specific to particular usages, e.g., two different data products, whereas the
EDCS Version 4.0 concept is product-independent (more generalized).
Part 4: Mapping Tables for FACC Edition 2.1 to EDCS Version 4.0
Part 5: Mapping API for FACC Edition 2.1 to EDCS Version 4.0
This section describes the FACC Version 2.1 to EDCS Version 4.0 Mapping API
functions, data structures, and use examples. The implementation of this
mapping API is not included by default with the EDCS distribution but can
be downloaded separately at www.sedris.org.
1. Mapping API Functions
2. Mapping API Data Structures
3. Mapping API Use Examples
- Concept mapping from FACC Edition 2.1 features
A sample program taking a list of FACC Edition 2.1 (5 character)
classification codes on the command line, and printing out the
associated EDCS Version 4.0 concept mapping information.
Example: To retrieve mapping information for AL015 and AL020:
"map_FACC_feature AL015 AL020"
Example Output:
"FACC 2.1 code AL015 maps exactly to the EDCS 4.0 classification symbolic constant ECC_BUILDING
FACC 2.1 code AL020 maps exactly to the EDCS 4.0 classification symbolic constant ECC_BUILT_UP_REGION"
- Concept mapping from FACC Edition 2.1 attributes
A sample program taking a list of FACC Edition 2.1 (3 character)
attribute codes on the command line, and printing out the
associated EDCS Version 4.0 concept mapping information.
Example: To retrieve mapping information for HGT and WID:
"map_FACC_attribute HGT WID"
Example Output:
"FACC 2.1 code HGT maps exactly to the EDCS 4.0 attribute symbolic constant EAC_HEIGHT_ABOVE_SURFACE_LEVEL [Unit: EUC_METRE, Scale: ESC_UNI]
FACC 2.1 code WID maps exactly to the EDCS 4.0 attribute symbolic constant EAC_WIDTH [Unit: EUC_METRE, Scale: ESC_UNI]"
- Concept mapping from FACC Edition 2.1 attribute coded values (enumerants)
A sample program taking a list of comma separated pairs of
FACC Edition 2.1 (3 character) attribute codes and (integer)
coded values (enumerants) on the command line, and printing out the
associated EDCS Version 4.0 concept mapping information.
Example: To find mapping information for BUD coded value 1,
and VEG coded value 9:
"map_FACC_attribute_integer BUD,1 VEG,9"
Example Output:
"FACC 2.1 code BUD with the enumerant 1 maps to an EDCS_Attribute_Code with a different datatype:
EAC_BRUSH_DENSITY on the EDCS_INTRVL_TYP_CLOSED interval from 0.00000 to 5.00000 (Unit EUC_PERCENT, Scale ESC_UNI)
FACC 2.1 code VEG with enumerant 9 maps exactly to the EDCS 4.0 attribute symbolic constant EAC_VEGETATION_TYPE with the enumerant symbolic constant EEC_VEGTY_GRASSLAND_SCATTERED_TREES"
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Last updated: March 15, 2005
Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS