The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX D - Functions
SE GeneralIsLegalAssociate
extern SE_Boolean
SE_Short_Integer_Positive major_drm_version, (notes)
SE_Byte_Unsigned minor_drm_version, (notes)
SE_Short_Integer_Positive drm_class_a, (notes)
SE_Short_Integer_Positive drm_class_b (notes)


Tests whether an instance of class 'drm_class_a' can be associated to an instance of class 'drm_class_b'.


SE_TRUE if valid parameters were passed in, and an instance of class 'drm_class_a' can legally be associated to an instance of class 'drm_class_b' in the specified version of the DRM.
SE_FALSE otherwise.

Parameters Notes


 major DRM version number of the DRM version for
    which this function is being called


 minor DRM version number of the DRM version for
    which this function is being called


 represents a DRM class A, the candidate associate class on the
    'from' end of the association.


 represents a DRM class A, the candidate associate class on the
    'to' end of the association.

Prev: SE_GeneralIsLegalAggregate. Next: SE_GeneralIsLegalComponent. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS