The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints Polygon As Bounded Plane |
Consider a <Polygon> instance P having N ordered <Vertex> components vi, where i is a member of { 1, 2, ..., N }. For each vi, let Li refer to the <Location> instance referenced by that <Vertex> as its <Location>. The following conditions shall hold.
Each Li shall specify unique spatial coordinates among Lk, where k is a member of { 1, 2, ..., N }.
For each pair of line segments Lij, Lrs, Lij and Lrs shall not intersect unless i = s or j = r, in which case they shall intersect only at that common <Vertex>.
The sequence of line segments Lij shall specify a bounded portion of a plane.
The concave flag of the polygon_flags field of P shall be set to SE_TRUE if P forms a concave polygon; otherwise the concave flag shall be set to SE_FALSE.
This is the definition of a <Polygon>.
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