The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints
Feature Edge Restrictions


The following restrictions apply.

  1. The <Location> instances within a <Feature Edge> instance shall be distinct (that is, no two may have the same coordinates).

  2. <Feature Edge> instances may meet only at <Feature Node> instances, and <Feature Face> instances may meet only along one or more <Feature Edge> instances.

  3. At feature topology level 2 or higher, no <Feature Edge> instance may intersect with or overlap another <Feature Edge> instance.

  4. At feature topology level 3, each <Feature Edge> instance forms part of the boundaries of exactly two <Feature Face> instances.


The path defined by the sequence of line segments which connect the consecutive <Location> instances that make up a <Feature Edge> instance shall not intersect or overlap itself.


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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS