The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints
Separating Plane Related Organizing Principle


  1. The <Location 3D> components of a <Separating Plane> instance shall specify a plane.

  2. For any <Separating Plane Related Geometry> instance S,

    1. No two <Separating Plane Relations> components of S shall specify coplanar <Separating Plane> components.

    2. For each <Separating Plane Relations> component R of S,

      1. Every primitive within each branch of R shall have a spatial extent overlapping that of the half-space specified by the branch.

      2. If S's strict_organizing_principle = SE_TRUE, every primitive within each branch of R shall have a spatial extent fully contained within the half-space specified by the <Separating Plane Data> link object corresponding to the branch. If S's strict_organizing_principle = SE_FALSE, no guarantees exist as to how accurately the DRM objects of the component tree rooted at S were placed into their sorted "bins", apart from that specified by 2.2.1


A <Separating Plane> instance exists to specify a plane.

The purpose of a <Separating Plane Related Geometry> instance is to organize geometry instances based on their relationships with the specified set of <Separating Plane> instances. For this purpose to be fulfilled, each primitive shall at least overlap the half-space "bin" into which it is placed by the organization, and if the organizing principle is strictly followed, it shall be entirely contained within that "bin".


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Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS