The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints
Non Empty Model Instance


  1. All <Model> instances shall have either a <Feature Model> component, a <Geometry Model> component, or both.

  2. A <Model> instance is permitted to have an "empty" <Geometry Model> component, that is, a <Geometry Model> component without a <Geometry Hierarchy> component, only if

    1. The <Model> instance either does not have a <Feature Model> component, or its <Feature Model> component is "empty".

    2. The <Model> instance has a <Classification Data> component with tag = ECC_OBJECT.

    3. The <Model> instance is tagged as SE_MDL_REF_TYP_ROOT_AND_COMPONENT so that it can be instanced within <Environment Root> scopes as well as other <Model> instances, and

    4. The "empty" <Geometry Model> instance has no <Attachment Point> component, <Contact Point> component, or <LSR Transformation> component, since these components require the presence of a <Geometry Hierarchy> component.

  3. A <Model> instance is permitted to have an "empty" <Feature Model> component, that is, a <Feature Model> component without a <Feature Hierarchy> component, only if

    1. The <Model> instance either does not have a <Geometry Model> component, or its <Geometry Model> component is empty.

    2. The <Model> instance has a <Classification Data> component with tag = ECC_OBJECT.

    3. The <Model> instance is tagged as SE_MDL_REF_TYP_ROOT_AND_COMPONENT so that it can be instanced within <Environment Root> scopes as well as other <Model> instances.

  4. No <Model> instance other than a properly constructed "empty" <Model> instance is permitted to have a <Classification Data> component with tag = ECC_OBJECT.


The DRM notation cannot enforce an "or" aggregation. Consequently, this constraint is required.

Allowing a <Feature Model> to be empty permits a <Feature Model Instance> to associate to an "empty" <Feature Model>. The semantic restrictions on "empty" models will only have to be performed at the model level, rather than at model instance objects all over the transmittal.

Allowing a <Geometry Model> to be empty permits a <Geometry Model Instance> to associate to an "empty" <Geometry Model>. The semantic restrictions on "empty" models will only have to be performed at the model level, rather than at model instance objects all over the transmittal.


No example supplied.


How do these restrictions ensure that an "empty" <Model> can be distinguished from, e.g., an ordinary <Model> retrieved while ignoring ITR referenences?

An "empty" <Model> shall have the required <Classification Data> component with tag = ECC_OBJECT. Since its components, and their component hierarchies are required to be stored in the same transmittal, ITR references are not a concern.

Consider a data provider who when creating a <Model Library> instance doesn't know in advance whether an empty <Geometry Model> instance will be needed. The data provider doesn't want to produce an "empty" <Model> instance if it won't be needed; if it is needed, the data provider would prefer to make it the last <Model> component of the <Model Library> instance. How can forward references be created to an "empty" <Model> instance?

This question has more than one possible answer. One approach is to use reference symbols when using the level 0 API to produce your transmittal. This would allow you to take the following approach.

  1. Create a reference symbol, representing the empty model.
  2. Begin producing models for your model library. When you encounter a place in the <Model> where you need a <Geometry Model Instance> instance of the empty <Model>,
    1. create the <Geometry Model Instance> instance.
    2. add a symbolic association to the reference symbol that represents the empty <Model>
    3. trip a flag indicating that the empty <Model> instance is in use
  3. Check the flag to see if the empty <Model> instance is being used, when you have created the last non-empty <Model> instance and added it to your <Model Library> instance. If the empty <Model> instance is needed, create it and add it to the <Model Library> instance.

A similar procedure would work if the empty <Model> instance's references were needed in the scope of an <Environment Root> instance rather than in other <Model> instances.

Prev: Non Empty Environment Root Instance. Next: Non Overlapping DRM Class Summary Item Instances. Up:Index.

Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS