The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints Hierarchy Summary Constraints |
A <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance shall have a drm_class field value corresponding to either:
For any <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance B that is a component of another <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance A, the class represented by B's drm_class field value shall be defined as a formal component of A, and the multiplicity and multiplicity_meaning of B shall comply with the corresponding component relationship between the two classes.
Consider an <Environment Root> instance ER.
If ER has a <Geometry Hierarchy> component GH, ER shall have at most one <Hierarchy Summary Item> component HS_G for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Geometry Hierarchy> subclass. If such a component instance HS_G exists, its field values shall comply with the following constraints.
HS_G's drm_class shall match that of GH.
HS_G's multiplicity_meaning shall be SE_HS_MLTPCTY_CODE_EXACT, and its multiplicity shall be 1.
If ER does not have a <Geometry Hierarchy> component, ER shall not have any <Hierarchy Summary Item> component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Geometry Hierarchy> subclass.
If ER has a <Feature Hierarchy> component FH, ER shall have at most one <Hierarchy Summary Item> component HS_F for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Feature Hierarchy> subclass. If such a component instance HS_F exists, its field values shall comply with the following constraints.
HS_F's drm_class shall match that of FH.
HS_F's multiplicity_meaning shall be SE_HS_MLTPCTY_CODE_EXACT, and its multiplicity shall be 1.
If ER does not have a <Feature Hierarchy> component, ER shall not have any <Hierarchy Summary Item> component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Feature Hierarchy> subclass.
Consider a <Model> instance M.
If M has a <Geometry Model> component with a <Geometry Hierarchy> component GH, M shall have at most one <Hierarchy Summary Item> component HS_G for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Geometry Hierarchy> subclass. If such a component instance HS_G exists, its field values shall comply with the following constraints.
HS_G's drm_class shall match that of GH.
HS_G's multiplicity_meaning shall be SE_HS_MLTPCTY_CODE_EXACT, and its multiplicity shall be 1.
If M does not have a <Geometry Model> component, or M's <Geometry Model> component does not have a <Geometry Hierarchy> component, M shall not have any <Hierarchy Summary Item> component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Geometry Hierarchy> subclass.
If M has a <Feature Model> component with a <Feature Hierarchy> component FH, M shall have at most one <Hierarchy Summary Item> component HS_F for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Feature Hierarchy> subclass. If such a component instance HS_F exists, its field values shall comply with the following constraints.
HS_F's drm_class shall match that of FH.
HS_F's multiplicity_meaning shall be SE_HS_MLTPCTY_CODE_EXACT, and its multiplicity shall be 1.
If M does not have a <Feature Model> component, or M's <Feature Model> component does not have a <Feature Hierarchy> component, M shall not have any <Hierarchy Summary Item> component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <Feature Hierarchy> subclass.
All <Geometry Hierarchy> instances (or <Feature Hierarchy> instances) associated with a given <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance shall be instances of the class specified by its drm_class field value, and shall conform to the structure that it specifies.
A <Hierarchy Summary Item> component of an <Environment Root> instance or <Model> instance exists to summarize a corresponding hierarchy of its aggregate. Consequently, its drm_class and multiplicity shall be consistent with the hierarchy which it represents.
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