The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints Contained Node Constraints |
The following constraints apply to instances of <Feature Face>/<Geometry Face> or <Feature Volume>/<Geometry Volume>, respectively.
A <Feature Face> instance F shall have the following relationship with its associated <Feature Node> instances, if any exist.
At any feature topology level, if F is associated with any <Feature Node> instance N, N shall lie within the external ring of F, if any, and shall not lie within any of the internal rings of F, if any.
At feature topology levels 3 and higher, if a <Feature Node> instance N lies within the boundaries of F, N shall be associated with F.
At any feature topology level, if no <Feature Node> instances lie within its boundaries, F shall not be associated with any <Feature Node> instances.
A <Feature Volume> instance V shall have the following relationship with its associated <Feature Node> instances, if any exist.
At any feature topology level, if V is associated with any <Feature Node> instance N, N shall lie completely within the external shell of V, if any, and shall not lie within any of the internal shells of V, if any.
At feature topology levels 5 and higher, if a <Feature Node> instance N lies within the boundaries of V, N shall be associated with V.
At any feature topology level, if no <Feature Node> instances lie within its boundaries, V shall not be associated with any <Feature Node> instances.
A <Geometry Face> instance F shall have the following relationship with its associated <Geometry Node> instances, if any exist.
At any geometry topology level, if F is associated with any <Geometry Node> instance N, N shall lie within the interior of F.
At geometry topology levels 3 and higher, if a <Geometry Node> instance N lies within the interior of F, N shall be associated with F.
At any geometry topology level, if no <Geometry Node> instances lie within its interior, F shall not be associated with any <Geometry Node> instances.
A <Geometry Volume> instance V shall have the following relationship with its associated <Geometry Node> instances, if any exist.
At any geometry topology level, if V is associated with any <Geometry Node> instance N, N shall lie within the interior of V.
Conversely, if a <Geometry Node> instance N lies within the interior of V, N shall be associated with V.
If no <Geometry Node> instances lie within its interior, V shall not be associated with any <Geometry Node> instances.
The associations between <Feature Node> and <Feature Face>, and between <Feature Node> and <Feature Volume>, implement containment relationships. These topological relationships must be consistent, and must be consistent with the geometric representations of these objects.
The associations between <Geometry Node> and <Geometry Face>, and between <Geometry Node> and <Geometry Volume>, implement containment relationships. These topological relationships must be consistent, and must be consistent with the geometric counterparts of these objects.
Consider a <Feature Node> instance N1 that is "floating" within the interior of a <Feature Volume> instance V1. N1 is contained within V1, and V1 contains N1.
Consider a <Geometry Node> instance N1 that is "floating" within the interior of a <Geometry Volume> instance V1. N1 is contained within V1, and V1 contains N1.
Yes, provided that E does not bound F. This is only possible within a 3D SRF.
Yes, provided that E does not bound F. This is only possible within a 3D SRF.
Yes, provided that E does not bound any of the <Feature Face> instances that in turn bound V.
Yes, provided that E does not bound any of the <Geometry Face> instances that in turn bound V.