EDCS Reference Manual
Concept Mapping from EDCS 2.9 to EDCS 3.0 Functions
EDCS Map2xClassification
extern EDCS_Status_Code
constEDCS_2p9_CC_ID *legacy_class_in_ptr, (notes)
constEDCS_Class_Mapping_Structure **mapping_info_out_ptr (notes)


Retrieves forward mapping information for the given EDCS EC.


EDCS_STAT_CODE_SUCCESS and a handle to the requested mapping information is copied into *mapping_info_out_ptr, if valid parameters were passed in.
EDCS_STAT_CODE_NULL_REQUIRED_PARAMETER and *mapping_info_out_ptr is left unaltered, if any parameter was NULL.
EDCS_STAT_CODE_INVALID_CODE and *mapping_info_out_ptr is set to NULL, if *legacy_class_in_ptr does not correspond to a valid 2x EC.

Parameters Notes


 the EDCS 2x EC whose forward mapping information is
    being retrieved


 pointer to a pointer variable in the user's
    memory space where a handle to the mapping information will be

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Last updated: October 1, 2002 Copyright © 2002 SEDRIS™